Member-only story
Black History Month Closing Statement
It is February 29 and we are at the end of Black History Month. Tomorrow, we return to the ouroboros of white history and I would advise my friends and acquaintances to be cognizant of that much. Eleven months out of the year is what we spend celebrating the inconspicuous and ubiquitous nature of whiteness in culture, history, and our social formation.
Your awareness of that is, in and of itself, already a step toward ending racial supremacy, namely, white supremacy in the world. Let us not turn a blind eye to color-blind racism nor the prevalence of Whiteness (capital W) attempting to control who our heroes are and who our villains were, well knowing that the line between hero and villain wavers between triumph and defeat.
The only reason we consider our historical heroes, namely, our founding fathers as heroes, is because they won a war, not a single war or battle, not a named war that took place in one particular location. No. They won a race war when crossing the Atlantic, a war won for the thirteen colonies; a war won over the indigenous people of the land; a war won over competing imperial malefactors seeking gold, land, and prosperity; a war won over religious and denominational exclusivity; and lastly, and most lasting, a war won over racial superiority.